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Weekly Progress

June 4, 2024 

- Ad Article Rejected from CAOS, Framing is critical 
- Quantum Dynamics, Hamilton Jacobi, to MPC to Protist to Quantum Neuron
- How much of a small world does the protist need, can it be tacit representation of the world
- flemming looks at the FMO algea light harvesting complex
- Exciton is somehow using reverse sampling to locate a trajectory that will result in a collison
- We dont need to be right we just need to propose a mechanism to quantum processing
- Bohm - The Undivided Universe <-- Read (Ch.2)
- natural selectin defines the search spaces (quantum process define more granular search spaces)
- RL models provide higher level decision making a quantum protist model should provide more
granular decision making (in the moment) 
- Its seems as if a more advanced model will always follow a two step process 
   - Classical at the higher level (RL, NNs, etc.)
   - quantum dynamic based model for more granular decision making 
   - I'm a big fan of this framing because thats inline with the general thinking on when quantum processes are useful

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